Sunday, August 10, 2008


So they don't mess around anymore. On Wednesday Victoria came home with homework. Yes, I know, it was only the first week of school. She had three different things to do. It is called "team homework" because the parents have to participate. Yeah, little did I know Eddie and I were going to go through school again. Her first assignment was to read a book (I told you they don't mess around). The new thing with reading is called triangle reading. I read the story, then we are supposed to read it together and then she reads it by herself. Yep, there were detailed directions to this homework. And it says at the bottom if your child can not read on the third try by herself that is fine, it may take a couple of weeks. Okay, so here is where I brag. I read the story to Victoria and when we went to do the second leg of the triangle (we read together), she just read it by herslf! I know...she is a GENIUS!! But then I start to think to myself, oh my, she is not following the proper traingle reading. So what do I do? Well, for the third part of the triangle I send her over to Eddie and I tell her she needs to read the story to him. Hopefully that is "tri" enough. I can't help it if I have the smartest kid now can it?!?
The second assignment to to review the class rules and have the child pick one and draw a picture of that rule. Victoria picked Be a good friend. So she starts to draw. And color...And draw some more. Then she says "I am going to draw a gingerbread man." It is her picture so I say fine. Now Eddie is getting impatient. I turned off the TV so Victoria could do her homework and he wanted to see the score of the baseball game so he says come on Victoria pick up the pace. I give him a look and tell him she needs to take her time and do her homework. He then says...well I have never seen her hanging out with the gingerbread man. Isn't she supposed to be drawing a picture of her friends? I couldn't help but start laughing. Good ol' Eddie...

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