Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ripped Good Worker Award

So I have mentioned in the past that every day V gets a good worker award from her teacher. If she is naughty the teacher will rip the award. Every night we ask her to give us her award. Well...on Weds night V came home with a ripped good worker award. Yep, the second one in two weeks. So I asked her what is the story. V was doing "arm farts" and her teacher asked her to stop. She wouldn't stop and then didn't want to go and sit down at her table. I asked her where she learned the arm farts and she said the mean girl at kids club. Yes she calls her the mean girl. It started because she was mean to V and her friends. Now if you ask her about the mean girl she says "the mean girl, oh yes she is very nice".
Okay, back to the arm farts...the best part of the story is that I was telling Eddie how she got into trouble at school and he says...oh yeah, that is why she wanted to wear a tank top, so she could do it easier. I swear...I told her no more arm farts.

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