Saturday, September 6, 2008

My daughter is the mean girl???

Yes you read right. I am not happy with this...On Friday when I picked up Victoria from school her "good worker award" was ripped and there was a note on it saying Victoria hit another student (she get these awards everyday. If it is ripped that means she did not have a good day. This is the first time it has been ripped). So I ask her what happened. She grabbed the note and started crying and wouldn't tell me. An hour and one potty stop later she told me, lets call it story #1 (yes there are more than one stories...ugh).
Story #1 was that her arm fell on "the other" Skylar (whatever that means) in PE class and it hurt him and that is why the teacher told me she hit him. This story was told during the flood of tears and snot.
Next we come to Story #2. The tears have stopped and she said she was going to tell me "what really happened". So here is Story #2...Her, Alexandra and Yazmin were reading books. Yazmin hit Alexandra with a book so Victoria hit Alexandra with a book. When I hear Story #2 I launch into Mother of the Year and start talking to Victoria about there were two things she did wrong, hitting and using a book incorrectly and how she needs to be nice to her friends, blah, blah, blah. I am comfortable (well not comfortable) that I now have the story of what happened.
And then I get a response to my email (Okay, let me back up a little. I was getting really pissed when she wouldn't tell me what happened so I emailed her teacher to find out what happened.) Her teacher tells me that over the last couple of weeks she has been noticing that there are certain girls in the room that are very selective of who they will play with and Victoria is one of them (and I am sure I know the others...) and that on Friday two other girls wanted to play with her and she said no and hit one of them. She has also noticed that amongst the selective group of girls Victoria changes daily who she plays with and the other is "not her friend". As I am reading this email I am becoming more and more mortified. Yes, mortified. I know it is a strong word but really?? Really?? My daughter is the mean girl??!!?? Oh hell no!! I will NOT have Victoria be the mean girl, there is no way! I mean, where does she get this from? We all know I am friends with everyone and Eddie, well Eddie isn't the "mean girl" type of guy.
So after finishing ready Story #3, the real story I call Victoria over to the couch to talk. I told her that her teacher emailed me what happened. I asked her why? I told her it isn't right to treat people that way. I told her if she continues with that behavior she will lose her privledges and toys.
I don't know how I am going to survive...for christ sakes we just made it through week 5 of KINDERGARTEN and we already have to deal with this shit?!!? I am exhausted...

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