Monday, May 12, 2008

A few of the classics

At four and a half I already have more Tori stories than I could have ever imagined. Victoria has quite a personality and the stories truely bring laughter to all those I have told. So, not only am I going to tell all new stories but I am going to go back to some of the classics.
I like to call this one Spider Daddy. So Victoria has always loved Spiderman (I think it is in her genes. Spidy has always been Eddie's favorite superhero). Her love for Spiderman started on her second birthday. I, being a fun mom, wanted to bring a bunch of goodies and ballons to school for her birthday. So the weekend before her birthday I took her to party city so she could pick out her decorations. Well she headed straight to Spiderman and so it began.
When she turned three I took her to the doctor for her well check. Everything went fine with the check up and then it was time for Dr Reznick to go over the developmental milestones. He told me her "rankings" and then let me know we should work on making sure she knew my and Eddie's full name, phone number and address. You know stuff like that. Well on the way home I started to work with her. So I asked her my name and went over my phone number. Then it came to Eddie. When I asked her what her Daddy's name was she stated with confidence"...Peter Parker".
And her love for Spiderman continued...

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