Saturday, November 29, 2008

Elf on the Shelf

I know many of you reading this have kids of your own. I'm not sure how many have heard of the Elf on the Shelf Christmas tradition. The first time I heard about it was last year from my friend at work sent it to V. It is a great story that explains to kids how Santa knows if they are naughty or nice. Since Santa is only one guy and he is very busy he sends his magic elves to watch the kids and report back. The elf watches V each day and at night when she is sleeping he flies back to Santa and tells him if she was naughty or nice. In the morning he is back in the house except sitting in a different location. There is a story that goes along with the elf. Victoria loves it! Yesterday we put up our tree, this morning when she woke up her elf, Zert, was sitting in the tree.

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