Monday, August 31, 2009

Star Student

Last week Vi was the Star Student of the Week. She had to bring stuff to school that she liked or told something about her. She brought some pictures of herself and some family pictures. She also brought the book Who Stole the Cookies? to read to her class. The teacher hung the pictures and Vi talked about herself and what she liked one day in class. All the students in her class had to write a note to her and then the teacher made a book for her. The bold words were already there and then they had to fill in the rest. Here are some on my favorites...

You are special because You PloY gub You aer Prite and sPeCHl and You Hav Prite Hir
You are special because she does not hava cat
You are special because you have dog and I don't. YOU like purple and I don't you like Zebraas and I don't you like swimming and I don't. Your friend Payton
I like the way your teeth sporcks wean you smil
I like the way You are a srter

Love it...

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