Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring Break

This week was spring break. We had a very eventful week that is for sure! Sabrina and Madeline came down from Seattle to hang out with us. They got in on Tuesday afternoon and the fun didn't stop...we went swimming, to the indoor bounce land, painted pottery, visited urgent care...yep, did you honestly thing everything would have been perfect?!
On Weds night after the girls went to bed Sabrina and I went to the gym and to get dog food. How nice, some time without the girls...well when we got home about 10:30 there was Eddie holding Maddie on the couch. She wasn't crying but she was a little warm and didn't want to go to sleep. The next day we woke up and went to paint pottery. That is when she started pulling on her ears and just laying on me and Sabrina. So off to urgent care we went.
Now keep in mind they were leaving the next day at 6 in the morning. So we got into the doctor and the nurse took her temp, sure enough she had a fever. Then the doctor comes in and checks out her ears. He looked in her left and said yep, ear infection. He then looked in her right and made a face. I have never seen a doctor make a face but her right ear was so bad he actually made a face. He then said she needed a shot to kick start the treatment. Sabrina told him they were flying home the next day and he adviced strongly against it.
So two days later they are getting ready to leave. I will say Maddie is quite a trooper. A super bad double ear infection and overall she was on the up and up.
Despite our trip to urgent care we had a blast!! We are happy that Sabrina and Maddie came down to hang out with us...

On Friday night we went to the Train Park. They rode the train and carousel, went down the slide and tire swing.

This is from the indoor bounce house. It is two rooms of giant bounce things...

This is urgent care...Sabrina is reading up on some advice from the OctoMom and Vi is striking a pose as usual.

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