Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer Camp

I was lucky enough to get Victoria into summer camp this year. The reason I say lucky is because I wanted to the last minute. And by last minute I mean the day it started. I know, I know...but that doesn't matter, she is in. Since she is going into kinder in the fall she is able to go into the kinder summer camp. Eddie was nervous because the camps are K-5 and they go on field trips 2-3 times a week. Well, there is one school in the program that is only K-2 and the field trips come to them...PERFECT!! So that is the program she is in.

She has made it through two weeks and is doing very well. She did have a little bit of an adjustment. This is summer camp so they do not take naps. She normally doesn't take naps on the weekends but did during the week at day care. As you can imagine by day 3 she was exhausted. We adjusted her bedtime, before 9 or 9:30, now she starts to get ready about 7:30 and is asleep between 8 and 8:15. (And yes, Eddie and I did not know what to do with ourselves. She has never went to bed that early).

An adjustment for me is now I need to send her with lunch everyday. Just when I thought mornings could not be crazier...I am surprised I leave the house with pants on sometimes. I thought I would be Mom of the Year and send her with a thermos of hot food, and a story begins...on Wednesday (yes that would be day 3. The day she was exhausted) we started off the morning very bad. Victoria was tired and not listening. Eddie was crabby and yelling at Victoria for not listening and I am trying to just get everyone to calm down and out the door. I finally get Victoria dressed and in the car but she is very tired and very crabby. She doesn't want to go to camp, she misses her friends from day care and she wants to go back to bed. Oh did I mention I have a meeting at 8? So we get to camp and she is clinging to me like I am sending her off to war. Trying to be a good understanding Mom I hold her for a little bit and tell her she is going to have fun. But time is ticking away...It is now code red. I have to leave. She won't let go of me. She grew four more legs and two more arms. Now the tears come. Here is the clincher...when Victoria is really upset she does the quiet cry. heart is literally being pulled from my chest. One of the camp counselers take her and I leave. Now the mothers guilt sets in real good. I am obviously the worst Mother in the world.

But oh, it gets better...back to the food in a I made some mac and cheese for her lunch. I got it good and hot and put it in a thermos this way when lunch came around it would still be warm. Monday and Tuesday there were no problems. She loved the hot food. But it was Wednesday and after the morning there has to be an I said I had meetings all day long. About 3 I notice I have a voicemail...a voicemail from camp. Oh Gosh...if I thought the Mothers guilt was bad long has this message been there? What is wrong? Why didn't I take my phone into the meetings? So I listen to the message. Victoria is fine (Thank you God) but they could not open her thermos. They passed it around to all the staff and nobody could open it so they gave her cereal. Oh poor baby. What a day a bad drop off and cerea for lunch. I grabbed a package of lunchmeat out of the fridge at work (good thing I didn't have time to eat lunch) and went to get her. She was hungry and tired. What a day.

Thank goodness Thursday was a Hip Hop Class and Ms Music Lady. She ran to camp...and I survived too.

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