The title pretty much says it all...but of course V had to end things with one of her usually stories. The story actually begins yesterday, she went ice skating on a class trip. We then got home late which pushed her bed time back. Keeping track...exhausted from class trip and late to bed. And now we are to this morning. She has been having a hard time getting up lately but today was the worst! I finally got her up and then she was putzing around instead of getting dressed. I told her three times to get dressed (the clock was ticking and we almost didnt make it to school on time yesterday) and I had it. I yelled and her to get dressed, nothing. Enough is enough, I picked her up, spanked her dupa and told her to get dressed. I had to go downstairs to finish getting myself ready. I told her if she wasn't dressed by the time I was ready to go she was going in her pjs.
So 10 mins later I head upstairs and she is sitting on her bed crying still in her pjs (imagine that). So I am literally going crazier by the minute...Eddie walks in very calmly and asks V if she wants him to help her, she says no. So he goes to get dressed and I tell her she needs to get dressed. She starts crying more and is saying she wants Eddie. So I start in on her that she has been making bad choices all morning and she needs to get dressed (all the while time is ticking).
After 30 mins of her not listening I have completely lost my mind. I get her clothes, pick her up and take her downstairs to get dressed. Now there is screaming and kicking and fluids coming out of every hole in her head. I manage to get her pj pants off. She is flayling around like I have never seen. THAT IS IT! I throw her clothes in her back pack, pick her up (with no pants on) and take her to the van. That is right, I mean business. Suddenly she is so sorry and wants to get dressed. So I bring her back inside and get her dressed.
She has finally calmed down and we are on our way to school. Now it is time to talk about what happened and why she made so many bad desicions this morning. So we are talking and I tell her that behavior is unacceptable. I told her if she acts like that again she will be punished. Then I ask her what she thinks her punishment should be. She thinks for a minute and says...I should have to go to bed naked or go to school with no clothes on. WHAT?!??! I had to turn my head so she didn't see me laugh. I mean really. Great, I can just imagine her telling everyone that she got into trouble and had to go to school with no clothes on...I guess me putting her in the van pantless had an impact on her huh?
I said I think taking away a toy is a better punishment. Only V...