Many of my favorite stories revolve around Eddie and Victoria. Victoria may be funny and outgoing like me but she also has a lot of Eddie's personality traits too. This is usually were the good stories start...
This story goes WAY back...Victoria must have been only a couple of weeks old. Since I was on maternaty leave and Eddie was back at work I was getting up every night with her for feedings. One night shortly after I got out of the hospital Eddie offered to get up with her so I could get some rest and get better. That night when Victoria woke up Eddie jumped out of bed to take care of her. I quickly fell back to sleep. Some time later I woke up with Eddie standing over me. He started apologizing for waking me up but he didn't know what to do. It had been hours and he couldn't get her to go back to sleep. I rolled over to see all the lights on. I went into the living room...the TV was on and she was laying on her activity mat...the poor kid was overstimulated. We I got up with her I did everything in the dark, changed her diaper, fed her and put her back to sleep. I shut everything off, held her for a few minutes and she fell right to sleep. Never again did Eddie turn the lights on.
Here is another daddy/daughter story...I am a morning person and Eddie is a night owl so it works out perfectly. I am in charge of getting her up and dressed for the day and Eddie is in charge of putting her to sleep. One day I was giving Victoria a bath. After I washed her up she was playing in the tub so I was just sitting there so she could play for awhile. She had a washcloth in the shape of a frog and she put a square washcloth over it as a blanket. She started to rub its back so it would go to sleep. She then says...for the love of God go to be. Yes that is right. I walked into the living room and looked at Eddie and said for the love of God go to sleep?!!?? He said...well she wouldn't fall asleep. i couldn't believe it, but we ahve all felt that frustration at some point. Hopefully she never said that at school...